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Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Crane

Only rekords containing (in Subject or in Place or in Notes) the key words:
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Left wall of the apse of the Oratory of  Santa Margherita in Villa Torretta
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Apse of the Oratory of  Santa Margherita in Villa Torretta
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Fresco of the allegory of wisdom in Villa Visconti
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): God the Father blessing in the Oratory of Santa Margherita in Villa Torretta
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Right internal wall of the Oratory of Santa Margherita in Villa Torretta
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Crane
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy): Crane
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Date: 12/11/2010 Camera: Fuji s100fs Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 200 Exposure time: 1/13
Aperture: 4,5 Focal length: 75mm Place: Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy) Subject: Crane
Notes: Image obtained by the fusion of two differently exposed pictures. The data refer to the one exposed for the sky. Exposure time for the other 1/s

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Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy) - Crane